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Upcoming Sermons 

May 2nd

5th Sunday of Easter

Scripture: Acts 8:26-40


Title: "How Conversion Happens"

May 9th

6th Sunday of Easter

Scripture: Acts 10:44-48


Title: "The Creative Work of the Spirit"

May 16th

Ascension Sunday

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 


Title: "Up"

May 23

Pentecost Sunday
(Wear red to church this Sunday)

Scripture: Acts 2:1-21


Title: "Wind, Fire, and Astonishment"


June Services

June 4

Scripture: Genesis 15;  Sermon: "The Power of Covenant"

June 11

Scripture: Matthew 9:9-26; Sermon: "Ready for Something New"

June 18

Scripture: Matthew 10:16-23; Sermon: "Shrewd Snakes"

June 25

Pastor's vacation week June 19-25; Guest Speaker

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